Your Zero Waste Guy
I help every day people live better and save money by taking small steps to reduce waste from their lives. I show brands how to develop sustainable products to avoid green-washing. I work with businesses to systemically root out wasteful practices to maximize profits while minimizing environmental harm.

Since the 1st step to reducing waste is to stop buying products you don’t need, influencing in this space is especially important. We don’t need more reusable coffee cups & water bottles, which is is why I help brands understand that their customers really need in the zero waste space.
Thought Leader
Terms like Global Warming and Climate Change are non-starters for so many people. There is a huge disconnect between what we think happens to our trash and recycling once it leaves our homes, and what actually happens. I break down these problems into straightforward, easy to digest steps and cut the BS.
Going zero waste is about way more than simply making less trash. It’s about systemically rooting wasteful and inefficient processes from your business’s operations and supply chain so you can save time and money that allow you to focus on what you do best.