Talk about the environment every day

It takes a bit of courage to speak up and and ask for options that are kinder to our planet, but it’s worth it. — Today we live in a disposable world, but it wasn’t always like that. There was a time in our not too distant past where we only used what we needed and...
The Zero Waste Lifestyle: Say No To To-Go

The Zero Waste Lifestyle: Say No To To-Go

I’ve noticed quite a few restaurants in my city displaying posters that encourage patrons to take expanded polystyrene (EPS, better known as Styrofoam) take-out containers home with them because they are “now recyclable.” Hmm. When did they become...

Another Small Step to Save Massive Gallons of Water!

Over the last several months there have been many calls to action with regards to reducing our consumption of fresh water. Reservoirs are down to half or quarter capacity and even worse, our water tables are drying up. As a society we spend a lot of time talking about...

Blind Love for Black Gold

We Americans have such a short term memory when it comes to the price of gasoline. It seems that just as soon as gas prices drop people rush to car dealerships everywhere to buy trucks and SUVs.There are several factors that have led to the drop in oil prices, but I...
Save Tons (Massive Gallons?) of Water with One Small Change

Save Tons (Massive Gallons?) of Water with One Small Change

Every day when I arrive at my office the sprinklers are either on or have just been on, even when it’s 28 degrees out. The plants (shrubs) are discolored and at a minimum are on the brink of death. They don’t need hardly any water let alone daily water. Since the...