by Jonathan Levy | Nov 17, 2016 | Observation, Zero Waste
Many of us zero waste lifestylists focus on direct waste; the materials that we interact with daily. As it turns out, though, these direct materials are just the tip of the wasteberg… The beginning My zero waste journey started with packaging…too much packaging. I...
by Jonathan Levy | Nov 5, 2016 | Observation, Zero Waste
Okay, the Cleveland Indians didn’t win the World Series, but they could have. They were, after all, one of only two finalists who were competing for the championship. Earlier this week the Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time in 108 years. An...
by Jonathan Levy | Nov 2, 2016 | Observation, Zero Waste
Zero waste is not a literal translation, but a lifestyle. Strive for your best, but forgive your missteps. It all started last Thursday. I was desperately in need of clean clothes and realized it was time to do the laundry. I typically reach that point when I start...
by Jonathan Levy | Oct 31, 2016 | Activisim
Let’s start with you are what you eat… Who’s hungry for plastic? Update November 1, 2016: I forgot to mention that I emailed the Yes on 65 people on October 24th but have not heard back. On September 30th, 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown...
by Jonathan Levy | Oct 9, 2016 | Zero Waste
Separating our wants from our needs is the first step. A photo posted by Jonathan Levy (@zerowasteguy) on Jun 23, 2016 at 1:49pm PDT I recently toured the city of Burbank’s Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). MRFs are processing centers that take mixed curbside...
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