Near perfect is perfect enough

Near perfect is perfect enough

Zero waste is not a literal translation, but a lifestyle. Strive for your best, but forgive your missteps. It all started last Thursday. I was desperately in need of clean clothes and realized it was time to do the laundry. I typically reach that point when I start...
Never do this one thing

Never do this one thing

Saying yes to a recruiter will only get you so far…or in my situation it got me really far.   This week marks four years since I did what no one should ever do: quit a job without another one lined up. I had it all figured out. I needed to travel. I...
What’s your Breakfast of Champions?

What’s your Breakfast of Champions?

My mind is open, my palette is sated. Vegan cooking has changed my perspective on the food I eat, where it comes from, and how the choices I make affect the environment. Check back weekly for my take on life as a zero waste vegan. Sharing recipes, experiments and...
Crossing the finish line (literally)

Crossing the finish line (literally)

Health and wellness go hand-in-hand with living a zero waste lifestyle. Live simply, yet fully. I was not even half way into my second half marathon in as many weeks and the discomfort in my right iliotibial band (IT band for short) had quickly escalated from...

Not good enough

I would tell myself over and over again that I wasn’t good enough. Not good enough for the soccer team or the job or the relationship. Occasionally I would tell other people too and they would never correct me. Lately, however, when I say things like,...